At LBFNY, we take great pride in our commitment to safety and have an outstanding track record of zero job site accidents. Our priority is the well-being of our team members, clients, and the environment.

  • Safety is ingrained in our culture. Our employees are trained to prioritize safety above all else, and we foster a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential hazards.

  • Our team consists of highly trained and experienced professionals who have successfully completed numerous solar installation projects. They are well-versed in industry best practices and are committed to maintaining a safe work environment.

  • All employees undergo regular safety training programs, including but not limited to:

    - OSHA training

    - Hazard recognition and mitigation

    - Emergency response procedures

    - Equipment operation and maintenance

    - First aid and CPR

  • We require all our team members to wear appropriate PPE at all times on the job site. This includes helmets, safety glasses, gloves, high-visibility clothing, and fall protection gear when necessary.

  • Before commencing work on a project, our team conducts a comprehensive hazard assessment to identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. This includes a thorough review of the site, equipment, and materials involved.

  • Routine safety inspections are conducted to ensure that all equipment and machinery are in good working condition. Any defective equipment is promptly repaired or replaced.

  • We have a well-defined emergency response plan in place, which includes procedures for dealing with accidents, fires, and other unexpected incidents. Our team members are trained to respond swiftly and effectively to any emergency situation.

  • In addition to our commitment to human safety, we are dedicated to minimizing our environmental impact during project execution. We adhere to all environmental regulations and implement eco-friendly practices such as ride sharing wherever possible.

If you have any questions or require further information regarding our safety practices, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to maintaining our impeccable safety record and ensuring the well-being of all stakeholders involved in this project.